Anatomy, Zoology . of or pertaining to the cerebrum or the brain.
betraying or characterized by the use of the intellect rather than intuition or instinct: His is a cerebral music that leaves many people cold.
Phonetics . a cerebral sound.
—Related forms
ce·re·bral·ly, adverb
in·ter·cer·e·bral, adjective
non·cer·e·bral, adjective
o·ver·ce·re·bral, adjective
post·ce·re·bral, adjective
pre·ce·re·bral, adjective
sub·cer·e·bral, adjective
su·per·ce·re·bral, adjective
su·per·ce·re·bral·ly, adverb
Translation: Use your mind over your emotions, to do the right thing. Not what you want to do.
a cerebral approach to the problem
me and my friends had a cerebral talk about school
Used in situations with a long time friend or to have a conversation with them.
This word is a lot like the word intelligent but in a way it isn't because intelligent is based on how much you know, but in a smart where but intelligence also includes with how you deal with your emotions unlike cerebral.
This word is generally the opposite of dumb. Cerebral is a word you use to show the right way of something not the dumb way.
This was not a cerebral decision because he didn't have the wii strap on. resulting in breaking the tv, he also let his emotions go to him because he started calling his mom for help rather than thinking of a way to fix the problem.