word entry # 10

Word:  kerf
1: a slit or notch made by a saw or cutting torch. 2: the width of cut made by a saw or cutting torch.

Source: wunderland.com
the action of cutting, to carve
Part of Speech:  noun
1.)  “
with a handsaw I made a kerf in the board to mark where
" To curtail blade damage and backside chipping use the ” Short Kerf Check Function” to control the cut stroke during kerf checking.
Pronouciation Key:  kerf, it sounds just as it looks.

Best used:  The word is best used with someone who works with Maintenance of cutting machines and Consumables from all major manufacturers of High Definition Plasma Cutting Equipment.

 Synonyms:  my word has a similar meaning to the word “chip” but the difference is that a kerf could be any type of cut and is on purpose, while a chip is more like a dent, and is on accident.
Antonyms:  My word is the exact opposite as a scratch, because a kerf is on purpose and made with some sort of a powerful tool, while a scratch can happen from anything.

Rating:  I give kerfs a 4 out of 5 because the word seems like a familiar word and It somewhat gives its meaning away because kerf sounds like cut, but at the same time when I first saw the word I miss took it for “nerf” like a nerf gun.


the video clearly shows you what a kerf is and how you make one.