
Word:  Destitute
Definition:  Utterly lacking; devoid, lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely impoverished.

Translation:  When you are destitute it means you have nothing.  They may not have any options or choices that would improve their situation. 
Part of Speech:  Adjective, there is no word that is past tense.
1.      The great depression left many people in the United States destitute and without the ability to feed their family or heat their home.
2.      Many Musicians and Professional Athletes start out middle-class or even poor until they become famous and find an extravagant lifestyle.  If they are not careful with their money they can find themselves destitute before they die.
Pronouciation Key:   des ti tute
Best to use:  The word is appropriate to use when talking with adults because adults can identify with the meaning of the word.  They have been or someone who has been destitute.  The great depression left many people in the United States destitute and without the ability to feed their children or heat their home. 
Synonyms:  A word with a similar meaning is “needy” but it's different because people can be in need of food but it’s not the same because destitute describes a condition without any options. 

Antonyms:  My anoword is "solvent" because it means to be in the money and the opposite of being without.
Rating:  I give destitute four out of five stars because the word tells people that you have nothing. 

This is a picture of a mom and her children who are destitute.  They have nothing and look like they are in need of food, shelter, and clothing.