


–verb (used with object), -peased, -peas·ing.
to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe:
to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage
to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.

Example Sentences
ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
ap·peas·a·ble·ness, noun
ap·peas·a·bly, adverb
ap·pease·ment, noun
ap·peas·er, noun
ap·peas·ing·ly, adverb
non·ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
non·ap·peas·ing, adjective
un·ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
un·ap·peas·a·b·ly, adverb
un·ap·peased, adjective
un·ap·peas·ing, adjective
un·ap·peas·ing·ly, adverb
1. The red hooded girl screamed across the mall, "please dont appease that child with candy."
2.The proffesor had to appeased their curiosity, by explaining his hypothesis to the classroom full of students.

APPEASE is pronunced as [uh-peez]

When is appease best used?
Appease is best used when describing a feeling of peace. No more torture. When you yell at someone saying "please dont appease that child with candy" they will stop only because they will not understand what the word means, they will ask you what it means (which stops the torturing) and you can basically say "peacful, not torturing."

 Our word is a lot like the word "calm" but it is different because to appease is to make anxious overtures and often undue concessions to satisfy the demands of someone with a greed for power.
Our word is also a lot like the word "propitiate" but it is different because they both "imply trying to preserve or obtain peace." They can both be used as the same word for obtaining peace but have different meanings.

Our word is pretty much the exact opposite of "enrage" because appease is used to set peace while enrage is when you are full of anger and steam that ou just want to blow up and create an even bigger mess.
Our word is pretty much the exact opposite of "increase" To appease is to decrease the problem while the word increase means to go up higher.
We would give our word a rating of THREE stars only because not many people probably know this word. They can be confused by the word only because it is much more simplier to say "peace" rather than "appease"
This picture shows the word "appease" because it is showing peace between to men that dont like eachother in order to help their country become stronger and have no more hate between the two.
The guy on the left is saying a nice compliment to start off the peace between the two.